Weine - Wein Burgenland

Künstler*innen Nordburgenland
Sonntag, 5. Mai 2024
*** Samstag, 4. Mai 2024
Peter White
Malerei, Fotografie, digitale Kunst (Druck)
Steinbrückl 1
7531 Kemeten
+43 676 382 63 35

Peter R. White
1949 Geboren in Seaburn, Sunderland County Durham UK
1967 - 1968 Luton Art School
1969 - 1973 University Of The Arts London, Hornsey College Of Art, Middlesex Polytechnic
1973 - 1974 Assistent bei David Gentleman (Grafik Designer und Illustrator)
Freischaffender Illustrator bei Pan, Penguin, Fontana, Duckworth und Picador Books
(u.a. Elias Canetti, Arthur Köstler, Quentin Crisp, William Trevor)
1974 - 1975 Assistent bei Chris Prator, Kelpra Studios London, Produktion von Siebdruckbildern Anfertigung von Drucken und Zusammenarbeit mit Künstlern wie Eduardo Paolozzi, Richard Hamilton, Ron Kitaj, Allen Jones, Joe Tilson, Sydney Nolan, Victor Pasmore und Gerd Winner
1976 Gastdozent Luton Art School
1977 - 1978 Middlesex Polytechnic, University Of The Arts, London Studium “post graduate” unter Michael Rothenstein
1978 Druck und Editierung von Drucken von Paul Neagu
1978 - 1982 Gastdozent Bower Ashton Bristol University
1982 Artist in Residence, Bath University and Thornbury Arts Festival
1982 - 1983 First Resident European Fellow Parsons School of Visual Arts, New York NY USA
1982 - 1983 Gastdozent, School Of Visual Arts, New York
1982 - 1984 Ausserordentlicher Professor University Of The Arts, Philadelphia USA
1985 Gastdozent School Of Visual Arts Washington University, St Louis MO, USA
1986 Gastdozent School Of Visual Arts Washington University, St Louis MO, USA
1987 Einladung einer Professur des Royal College Of Art, London
1987 Verbringt Zeit in Japan, München, Bristol, England um zu arbeiten und auszustellen
1989 Design und Bau von 14 Künstler Studios in der 9 Desbrosses St., New York.City
1991 Gastdozent School Of Visual Arts, New York NY.
1992 Design und Bau von Foto- Filmstudios und Studios für Künstler, 601 West 26th Street, New York City
1992 - 2016 Lebt und arbeitet in New York, diverse Ausstellungen in Solo- und Gruppenausstellungen
2016 Übersiedelt nach Oberwart, Burgenland, Österreich
2019 “Celebration” Stadtgalerie im Alten Herrenhaus, Ternitz, NÖ
2018 Offenes Haus Oberwart in Oberwart, Burgenland
“Color Surface Space And Place In The Landscape Of My Mind”
2006 Leehigh Gallery New York NYC
Rowan Gallery, New York NYC
1988 Broadway Walker And White NYC
1987 Martin Schweig Gallery Saint Louis MO
1986 Space X Gallery Exeter UK
1985 Art Palace New York NY
1984 Gallery Taub Philadelphia PA USA
1985 Tower Gallery New York NYC
1983 Swindon Museum Swindon UK
1982 Bath University Gallery Bath UK, Whapping Wharf Gallery Bristol UK
1979 Bristol Arts Centre
2018 Trialoge Buchschachen, Austria
2017 Ober Gallery Kent Connecticut USA Raiding Project (Group Show) Raiding Austria
2016 Something Possible Everywhere: Pier 34 NYC 1983-1984 Hunter College Gallery (Catalogue)
2014 Intimate Forest. Tabla Rasa Gallery Brooklyn
2013 Summer Show. Denise Bibro Gallery NYC
The Great Little Pin Up. Still River Editions Danbury CT
The Fountain Art Fair. The Armory NYC
2012 The Originals. MANA Contemporary Jersey City NJ
2011 Thirty Years. A Celebration. Portico Gallery NYC
1990 China July 4th
1989 PS1 Long Island City NY USA
Group Show. Real Gallery NYC
Portico Gallery NYC
China July 4th
Blum Helman Gallery NYC
1988 Passion And Discipline. Dorsky Gallery NYC
1987 Black And White. Portico Gallery NYC
Pattern And Symbol Portico Gallery NYC
Layers Of Meaning. Tower Gallery NYC
1986 A Contempory View Of Nature. The Aldrich Contempory Art Museum Ridgefield CT
1985 Nature Morte. Edward Totah Gallery London UK
Selections. Artist Space NYC
Summer Show. Art Palace NYC
1984 Winter Solstice. Ericson Gallery NYC
Nature And Meaning. Tower Gallery NYC
Summer Show. Portico Gallery Philadelphia PA
1983 New Art New York. (A Touring Exhibition) Newcastle University Gallery. Newcastle UK
Bernard Jacobson Gallery NYC
New Talent. Hal Bromm Gallery NYC
New Talent. Marion Locks Gallery Philadelphia PA
Pier 34 Installation NYC
Summer Show 14 Wooster S Summer Show. Hal Bromm Gallery NYC
1982 Nichola Jacobs Gallery London UK
And Printmaking. The Waterloo Gallery London
Nine Styles. 84 Thomas Street NYC
“In Time” King Street Gallery Bristol UK
1981 Print Print Print, Crescent Gallery Scarborough, UK
1980 Group Show. Francis Kyle Gallery London
The Summer Show. The Redfern Gallery London
Group Show Chenil Gallery London
New Works. The Redfern Gallery London
Space X Gallery Exeter UK
The Printmakers Workshop Gallery Edinburgh Scotland
1979 Open And Closed Book. The Victoria And Albert Museum London
Young British Printmakers. The Mall Galleries London
1978 Bristol Printmakers. King St Gallery Bristol UK
1977 The Royal Society Of Etchers And Engravers. The Mall Galleries London
1976 The London Group Exhibition.
Einige Öffentliche Sammlungen:
The Victoria And Albert Museum, London
The Arts Council Of Great Britain
South West Arts Exeter
The Prudential Insurance Group, New York City
American Banker, New York City
The Samuel Dorsky Family Collection , New York City
Wallman Stargren Trade, Stockholm, Sweden
Spring O’Brien Company , New York City
Einige Private Sammlungen:
Maria und Carl Auer von Welsbach, Wien - Kirchstetten
Verena und Much Untertrifaller, Wien
Dr. Werner und Dr. Christa Paulinz, Korneuburg
Dr. Ingo Winkelman (Deutscher Botschafter)
Maria und Peter Mikl, vormals Direktor des Österr. Kulturinstitutes in London
Traudl und Peter Engelhorn, Montreux, Switzerland
Janet und Tony Goldman, Miami Florida USA
Baronesse Sylvia Von Meyern-Hohenberg, Palm Beach Florida USA
Emilio Mazoli, Modena Italy
Comptesse Gabrielle de Vereilles, Paris France
Avril Machet, London UK
Guntis Brandts, Kerns Switzerland
David Lloyd, London UK
Christopher Spring, NYC USA
Vivien Knussi, NYC USA
Dr Andreas Kailich, Wien - NYC
Taylor Lauden, Beverly Hills USA
Louise und Michael Bucheit, Wien, Montreal Canada
Dr. Martin und Karin Benger, Wien
Christa Resnik, Wien
Dr. Hans Wikander, Stockholm Schweden